When I compare Honeybook and Dubsado, there’s a clear winner. See why I made the switch to Honeybook and how it helped me make more money!

I Used Dubsado and Honeybook at first
When I first got started with a CRM (client relationship manager) in my business, I had both Dubsado and Honeybook. I flip-flopped between the two a lot, mostly because Dubsado was cheaper and I wanted more control over my templates (I’ve got a web-design background).
There were two things Dubsado had that Honeybook didn’t… at first: Client portals and color + font customization. Once Honeybook added those two things, I didn’t really see a reason to stick with Dubsado.
What I Liked About Honeybook Compared to Dubsado
I loved the opportunities tab in Honeybook to find other creatives near me for projects and such.
I also loved the simple interface of Honeybook and was kind of overwhelmed with all the random features Dubsado was adding weekly.
I just wanted to book clients, have them pay me, have a workflow, and keep it all on my calendar. Nothing too fancy.
And that’s when I realized I needed to switch from Dubsado to Honeybook for good.

Dubsado Features:
$35 a month $350 a year
More customizable if you know what you’re doing
Shows an entire breakdown of income on the dashboard
You can organize projects by tags
The Facebook group is super helpful and the customer service is quick and efficient
The payment processing fee is only maxed $5 for bank transfer
Built in-task boards (a lot like Trello but, I already have asana and the lack of a mobile app doesn’t make it super user friendly in my opinion)
You get a 3 client trial, no end date
Has a built-in scheduler
Keeping track of emails and forms is a little messier than Honeybook, I always forget what I sent my clients and when I sent it

Honeybook Features:
$40 a month, $400 a year
Simple and modern interface, easy to understand
Has an app. HELLO. Makes it soo easy with a touch of a finger to see an inquiry and send an automated email or decline if I’m already booked. I mean ONE BUTTON.
You can assign second shooters, associates, anyone to a project and they can see what you want them to see.
The “opportunities” tab has so much to offer. If you have a last-minute cancellation (which I have had several in the past year) you can find someone nearby to second shoot or help you with a styled shoot or anything else you can think of (business-related)
Customer service is OK but, they get the job done regardless
The trial is only 7 days
The email interface is set up like a chat box so you can quickly scroll and see your conversation
REFERRING VENDORS IS SO EASY with Honeybook! I have a friend who refers clients to me all the time and Honeybook notifies me
If you’re transferring from another CRM they have a FREE service where you can give them your clients contracts, invoices, and other forms to your account, all organized and ready for you
Also, they can take your existing templates for your clients, make them fillable and you can just create a workflow. It’s seamless.
I was all ready to go with my switch in a week and right before my “summer break” is over!
Overall, for an extra $5 a month, I decided it was finally time to switch over from Dubsado to Honeybook.
Honeybook is a simpler profile that benefits my business and requires less work from me.
These are some of the tools that have LITERALLY changed my life so I could run my business as a successful, well-oiled machine.
NUMBER 01: Workflows – It’s saved me time, money, and helped me build systems in my business so I can be more present with my family and make money while I sleep (haha… but true). Once you get an inquiry you can have it set to “approve” or automatically send your information email. And let me tell you. I am usually booking clients because I am just the fastest. It’s that simple!
NUMBER 02: The APP – Once again, immediate response to the client, right from the comfort of wherever you are. BOOM. CLIENT BOOKED!
NUMBER 03: The Ease of Use – It’s an easy, simple, and clean system to keep everything organized. From the: Project > Client communication > Booking the client > GETTING PAID. The entire process is easy to understand without any tech experience needed.

NUMBER 04: THE ENTIRE THING – When I first started out, I didn’t know where my leads were coming from or how much money I made. I was also losing emails half the time and had to follow up to see if my client still wanted to book with me… No more! Everything is streamlined and organized with Honeybook.
Honeybook has all these features completely integrated… and more!