Why You Have to Stop Trend Chasing in the Wedding Industry

Stop Trend Chasing in the Wedding Industry- Here’s Why


I'm Alora
I'm a Wedding Photographer Sales Strategist. I teach Marketing and Sales strategies that scale my students businesses to $100k confidently without leading to burnout.
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How does staying true to your brand help build a successful wedding photography business?

In the fast-paced world of wedding photography, it’s easy to get swept up in the latest trends. But let’s face it, trend chasing in the wedding industry is just bad for your sanity and your business. Here are three reasons why you should drop the trend chasing and focus on being authentic.

The Dangers of Trend Chasing

It’s no secret that trends come and go, often shifting dramatically every few years. Whether it’s the latest interior design fads, beauty trends, or trend chasing in the wedding industry, staying true to yourself is crucial. The problem with trend chasing is that it doesn’t only apply to business but also to personal well-being.

For example, in my personal life, I’ve always been drawn to bold, moody colors for interior design. But oh boy, Pinterest and Instagram make me question my choices every time a new trend pops up. The same thing happens in the wedding industry.

Following trends without question can lead to what I call “rebrand whiplash,” where businesses constantly change their branding to keep up with the latest fad. This not only confuses your audience but also dilutes your brand identity.

Maintaining Authenticity in Your Brand

The worst part about trend chasing in the wedding industry? You lose your unique voice. As creatives, we love to rebrand—especially when we see our peers doing it. But let’s be real, constantly rebranding for no good reason is expensive and pointless.

I coined the term “rebrand whiplash” for a reason. Photographers spend a ton of money on rebranding without any real strategy. Instead of hopping on the latest trend, ask yourself if you really need a full rebrand or just a little refresh. Sometimes, a simple update to your portfolio or a tweak in your color scheme can work wonders without completely overhauling everything.

Finding and Sustaining Your Unique Creative Voice

Chasing trends is a great way to forget who you are and why you started. When you follow trends blindly, your work may start to feel monotonous, and you might find yourself in autopilot mode. To fix this, maybe try remembering what you actually like and focus on your clients’ unique stories, rather than trend chasing in the wedding industry.

For instance, I found new inspiration in documentary photography after a personal loss. By focusing on my clients’ stories and what was important to them, I was able to infuse new life into my work. Instead of replicating trendy shots, I prioritized capturing genuine moments, which made my work more meaningful and fulfilling.

Focus on what makes you and your work unique, and you’ll stand out in the industry without the need for trend chasing in the wedding industry. By keeping it real and connecting personally with your work, you’ll build a stronger brand and actually enjoy what you do. The magic happens when you stop pretending and just do you.

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